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Deep Eddy - Ruby Red Vodka (50ml)

Price: $1.49

Case Price (120): $178.80

Producer Deep Eddy
Country United States
Region Texas
Style Vodka
Sku 15268
Size 50ml

Deep Eddy Description

Deep Eddy is the oldest swimming hole in Texas. Austin locals have enjoyed its spring-fed waters for many years. In the spirit of Deep Eddy, we bring you another Texas landmark – the smoothest, highest quality vodka around. Deep Eddy is handmade in Austin, TX in a small distillery by a team serious about creating a great spirit. Great vodka is born form attention to the smallest details. Water, Filtration and Distillation are where we shine. Deep Eddy is column-distilled ten times in a temperature-perfect environment and made with the finest water in Texas. We use local, all-natural ingredients and because we charcoal-filter Deep Eddy, nothing but smooth, clean vodka reaches the bottle. So raise a glass of Deep Eddy and you’ll see what we’re so excited about.

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